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Sylvie Lavoie Osteopath

Sylvie Lavoie osteopath pregnant woman
My Path


     Osteopath for the last 10 years, I first completed my training in physical rehabilitation at Collège de Sherbrooke in 2000. I worked and practiced  in different and diverse places over the year, including private clinics and hospital to to name a few, to finally become my own boss!


     I began my preparatory training in Osteopathy at the College d'Études Ostéopathiques de Montréal in 2004. Subsequently, I continued my training at the Centre Ostéopathique du Québec (2005-2011) where I completed the clinical year in order to obtain my diploma.

Post-Graduated Training
  • Female hormone therapy, Dr. Sylvie Demers (2023)

  • L'axe central, le thorax, la zone cervico-dorsale et les membres supérieurs selon les techniques d'urgences fonctionnelles, (2022)

  • Certificate in readaptation and sensory motricity UQAT (2022)

  • Ophthalmology and Occupational Therapy for Osteopathy,Roselyne Lalauze-Pol (2018)

  • Training in Perinatal and Pediatric Osteopathy, Roselyne Lalauze-Pol
       Module 1: Anatomy and Physiology of the Skull. (2017)
       Module 2: Pregnancy and Childbirth. (2018)
       Module 3: Neonatal Adaptation. (2018)

  • Osteopathy and Breastfeeding: The Mother, Caroline Cressens DO. (2017)

  • Osteopathy and Breastfeeding, Caroline Cressens DO. (2016-2017)

  • The Cervicals, Dino Muzzi DO. (2016)

  • Clinical Approach in Pediatric Osteopathy, Pascale-Julie Robinson DO. (2016)

  • Natural Fertility Symposium, Serena (2015)

  • Nutrition and Osteopathy, Valérie Namer DO. (2014

  • Functional Gynecology 1, Nathalie Camirand DO. (2012)

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